Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Breed review: Persian

With their luxurious coats, squashed-looking faces and short muzzle, Persians are one of the most popular pets in the United States and the United Kingdom. Their sweet, gentle, personalities make it each for them to blend into most households once they feel secure in their new environment. They are very placid and unlikely to scratch anyone. Because of the Persian's serene nature they usually get on well with other pets and are great with children that are not too boisterous. They love to be stroked and patted and lap up any attention you give them.

Persians are playful but not demanding and can give their owners much love and devotion. They have the ability to adapt to most environments and seem to take everything in their stride. Persians are medium-size cat and usually have a weight range of 7 to 12 pounds. Persian is a charming pet for all ages because of it sweet personality. The breed features solid, bicolor, calico and tabby varieties, which include various colors and patterns. The Persian Solid may be colored white, blue, black, red, cream, chocolate, and lilac.

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